Mar. 23, 2025
We still need your help! 18 Shifts are still remaining and the event starts THIS FRIDAY!!!!
***Please note for Security you will be able to asked to walk around the Blue Rink/Red Rink/Hub and just make sure that everything is running smoothly if there is any problems you would find the weekend coordinator or rink staff and have them address any major issues***
- You can get any remaining hours for this season AS WELL AS next seasons volunteer hours.....
- If you are uncomfortable working the clock at a U11 game, please don't sign up for the clock for this tournament.
- Scorebook will be electronic (on an iPad screen)
- For Game Volunteers there is also music and announcements to be completed
- For security the job description is as follows; - Spectator Control (our Hockey Alberta Rep will put a stop to disrespectful fans if they hear it) - Escort unruly fans out of building - Ensure visitors/fans are respectful in lobby and stands in both arenas - Police will be called if security cannot control guest or if the situation is dangerous
- This is an SMHA Fundraiser, all funds raised at this tournament go directly to our association. U13 Female Team is the organizer and get to play in the tournament but all funds raised go to SMHA
- You will received an email from the volunteer co-ordinator once ALL shifts are filled to confirm
- If you have any questions regarding the volunteer shifts please email Taryn cswelding@hotmail.ca (volunteer co-ordinator for this event)
THANK YOU to everyone that signs up for making this weekend a success!